It was a pleasant day. The weather was beautiful- sunny and 75 degrees. Kathy, Brad, and Matt- we love our hotel and our favorite thing to see so far has been, according to the kids, the people! Thanks for your questions, it got us thinking. I agree with them as well. This trip is not a sight seeing trip, though we love those as well. It is the most culture driven trip we all have ever had. We have been making attempts learning the language. Andrew liked saying "Hello" pronounced "Nee- HaOW" here. The language is complicated yet I am surprised when I hear a Chinese person say he/she is speaking bad least they are attempting, and very good at that. I have had some very wonderful conversations. This seems to be a younger part of the Providence- Saiman Island. It is an island surrounded by the Pearl River (again, looks like the Milwaukee River). Leo was a person who introduced himself 2 days ago at the park wondering how he could speak better English. He bumped into me again yesterday and asked a lot of "how do you say..." He would like to be in international trade and is currently attending school at a local university. He would love to travel and live in America though states "that takes a lot of money and I don't have it." He asked me what I thought of Chinese parents. I have no idea, I honestly never thought of that. I asked him his thoughts..."Chinese parents have little time for their children...foreigners make lots of time." He was born before the "One child Only Law" came into effect in 1979. He has 3 other brothers. He wishes to learn more of the language and likes Skype!
Today I spoke with Judy. Judy (changed her name since she works in a tourist area) is a store owner here in Shaiman with her husband. They have run the store for 5 years. She graduated from middle school. Her parents could not afford HS or college. She has a child who her parents care for in the providence she grew up in but she needs to stay here 1. for the money in the store, and 2. because she likes the language of English so much she wishes to continue with it. She has met several American families who have come to this area who have adopted. She reports over 7,000 children this past year came through this area. She commented on me and Shelly's small size as "most American women who come here are bigger. I don't eat American food." She was very beautiful. I really liked hearing about her. She stated Chinese people are very kind and happy. She feels Americans are better at being parents. She worries she is not a good parent- she only sees her daughter 1-2 times per year. Chinese New Year seems like the only time they get "vacation" and according to what I have read, there is no vacation law here so i am not sure it is paid PLUS so many people own their own businesses- they open their doors at 9 am and close at 9:30 pm.
We were at the park again today- the gathering spot for most people in town. We are very lucky. Judy says this is the most beautiful area around, hence all of the photographers. Our kids played with a lot of kids today. I even got a new little boy friend- 2 and 1/2 years old- His mom (thanks to Judy's translation) said he loves to learn English so she lets him watch English TV programs. He was very comfortable with saying "Hello, how are you?" while holding out his hand to shake mine. He counted to 10. He even got an apple out of his home bag and presented it to me to eat with him at snack time. Shelly made sure Judy informed his mother how smart he is and how she should be proud! How true! I do have to make a quick comment on their clothes- I am telling you, these kids are dressed in layers- 3! It was 75 degrees out! The parents kept wiping the kids brows while I kept thinking the obvious. But it is thought they may catch cold. Dehydration may be worse...oh well. Judy was very insistant I come back to adopt a baby girl so I could "play with her hair". No, I certainly admire Dave and Shelly for their bravery and passion. I will remain the Aunt though.
As usual, Jordan and Andrew loved interacting with these kids. The tennis ball and gloves are a big hit! An older gentleman stopped for a good 10 minutes today just to watch Andrew catch. It looks like the big thing these people like to do here for exercise is 1. badminton, 2. hacky sack, 3. put a tennis ball tied to an elastic string attached to a rock and hit it with a tennis racket- it looks like so much fun!
Eli had 3 shots and oral polio today. The physical exam was a hoot. The offices looked ancient. And the thing I observed the most was how curious people are. When Eli was getting his shots, Shelly was literally pushed to the side so they could see why he was crying. And outside after the shots, 10 people stood around Eli talking to him about it. Certainly, not that this is bad, it just reminds me things can be different and not necessarily bad. This was great- They had Kung Fu Panda playing in the waiting room!
So because of the shots, we were low key which again, helped us connect with eachother and the people of China which is what this trip is all about. After 3 movies, some table tennis, and a nice walk, it is off to bed. Good night, good day to you! Nee/Hey Pee/Yeah Lee/Un (You are beautiful!)
Peace- J, AJ, and Mom
Today I spoke with Judy. Judy (changed her name since she works in a tourist area) is a store owner here in Shaiman with her husband. They have run the store for 5 years. She graduated from middle school. Her parents could not afford HS or college. She has a child who her parents care for in the providence she grew up in but she needs to stay here 1. for the money in the store, and 2. because she likes the language of English so much she wishes to continue with it. She has met several American families who have come to this area who have adopted. She reports over 7,000 children this past year came through this area. She commented on me and Shelly's small size as "most American women who come here are bigger. I don't eat American food." She was very beautiful. I really liked hearing about her. She stated Chinese people are very kind and happy. She feels Americans are better at being parents. She worries she is not a good parent- she only sees her daughter 1-2 times per year. Chinese New Year seems like the only time they get "vacation" and according to what I have read, there is no vacation law here so i am not sure it is paid PLUS so many people own their own businesses- they open their doors at 9 am and close at 9:30 pm.
We were at the park again today- the gathering spot for most people in town. We are very lucky. Judy says this is the most beautiful area around, hence all of the photographers. Our kids played with a lot of kids today. I even got a new little boy friend- 2 and 1/2 years old- His mom (thanks to Judy's translation) said he loves to learn English so she lets him watch English TV programs. He was very comfortable with saying "Hello, how are you?" while holding out his hand to shake mine. He counted to 10. He even got an apple out of his home bag and presented it to me to eat with him at snack time. Shelly made sure Judy informed his mother how smart he is and how she should be proud! How true! I do have to make a quick comment on their clothes- I am telling you, these kids are dressed in layers- 3! It was 75 degrees out! The parents kept wiping the kids brows while I kept thinking the obvious. But it is thought they may catch cold. Dehydration may be worse...oh well. Judy was very insistant I come back to adopt a baby girl so I could "play with her hair". No, I certainly admire Dave and Shelly for their bravery and passion. I will remain the Aunt though.
As usual, Jordan and Andrew loved interacting with these kids. The tennis ball and gloves are a big hit! An older gentleman stopped for a good 10 minutes today just to watch Andrew catch. It looks like the big thing these people like to do here for exercise is 1. badminton, 2. hacky sack, 3. put a tennis ball tied to an elastic string attached to a rock and hit it with a tennis racket- it looks like so much fun!
Eli had 3 shots and oral polio today. The physical exam was a hoot. The offices looked ancient. And the thing I observed the most was how curious people are. When Eli was getting his shots, Shelly was literally pushed to the side so they could see why he was crying. And outside after the shots, 10 people stood around Eli talking to him about it. Certainly, not that this is bad, it just reminds me things can be different and not necessarily bad. This was great- They had Kung Fu Panda playing in the waiting room!
So because of the shots, we were low key which again, helped us connect with eachother and the people of China which is what this trip is all about. After 3 movies, some table tennis, and a nice walk, it is off to bed. Good night, good day to you! Nee/Hey Pee/Yeah Lee/Un (You are beautiful!)
Peace- J, AJ, and Mom
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